The Paranormal Bad Boys Archive

Daytona, Florida
Built in: Unknown
Founded in 1895 by Ybor City founder, Vicente Martinez-Ybor. The building was constructed as the Ybor Land and Improvement Company. This was a planning development company which would reshape Ybor city in its golden ages. In the early 1900s, the building was converted to the clinic “El Bein Publico (“The good of the public”), then eventually transforming again into The Gonzalez Clinic serving the needs of thousands of Tampa residents until 1980. When the Gonzalez Clinic closed, the building sat derelict for 18 years, suffering abandonment, vagrants and fire. In 1998, Jack Shiver saw the potential in this old building and began restoring it in his vision. Floors, trim, windows, and support beans were painstakingly re-created by craftsmen to match the historical period of the building’s construction.
Two years and more than two million dollars later, the building was reopened at The Don Vicente de Ybor Historic Inn, Florida’s premier boutique hotel featuring hardwood floors, Persian rugs, antiques and chandeliers gathering from around the world.
Location had claims of ghostly apparitions, water faucets turning on and off as well as lights. There were even claims of shadow people and chilling voices.
The place was stunning when it was open, beautiful decor and the attention to detail surely defined love. A love for restoring an old beautiful building to the grandier it once was. We recalled when we first entered there in 2010 and met the amazing owners, they were friendly and kind. They had zero issue telling us the history of the place, as well as the claims within. The first time we ever investigated this location back in 2010 will stay with us forever. We had invited Fire & Ice paranormal to join us on this investigation. They were down for the weekend investigating the Cuban Club with us. It was truly an amazing weekend that yielded a great deal of paranormal activity.
Over the years we had visited this location a few times, our findings differed in many ways as I will explain. During one of our sleepovers, one of our team members experienced a ghostly aparition of children standing next to his bed. They had appeared to awaken him from a deep sleep, needless to say that I recall him leaving that room with a quickness. Another investigator was pushed near a stairwell almos causing them to fall.
I will say we had a ton of personal experiences over the years, but no video evidence. What little EVPS we did have were lost in a harddrive crash. All that remains are personal experiences and a few photos. Unfortunately the location did not inspire us enough to return to capture new evidence.
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